15 Practices to Improve Iterations/Sprints
Gear Up! Advanced Game Development Practices has 15 practices alone on how to improve the effectiveness and productivity of your iterations/sprints.
Burndown your PBIs | Measure your daily progress adding features into the game |
Estimate in Days not Hours | If hour estimates are too precise, don’t use them |
Feature Flow Cards | Manage workflow on a cross-discipline feature that requires some hand-offs |
Fix-it Friday | Manage debt by setting aside every Friday to fix, polish and fine tune the game |
Iteration Reviews | Celebrate the amazing accomplishments of the team |
Priority Status Board | Create transparency for iteration priorities |
Sprint Day | Review, retrospect and plan the next sprint in a day! |
Swim Lanes | Create, visualize and track a work category for solving urgent requests |
The "Done Done" Column | Elevate the role of quality in your iterations |
The Build Health Radiator | A simple physical device that radiates the state of the current build and raises an alarm when the build is broken for too long |
The Build Monkey | Use a clean PC to firewall changes before you release it to others |
Track Emergent Work | Don’t just track the work you predicted, but also what you didn’t |
Use WiP Limits | Limit the amount of work in progress so teams can focus on getting things done |
War Room | Set aside a space where teams can host their iteration artifacts and daily standup meetings |
WiP Tokens | A simple visual way to protect specialists from being overwhelmed |
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